“I'm just
singing in the rain.”
Noah* #quote
Today I went to my costuming club and much fun was had. Anyway onto
the flash fiction!
A Fantastical Political Message
A commercial for the new iWand ended and the face of an old
man appeared with a nasty grimace. In truth the man never made such a
wrinkled, lurching face at anyone. The people who made the ad
harvested the picture from a video of him sneezing. A freeze frame
from the perfect moment before the violent sneeze portrayed exactly
what was needed. With such a face the man's black suit made him look
like a heartless upper class wretch. With a smile the old man looked
much more approachable and like a hardworking businessman.
After a few seconds passed to let the picture of the man sink in a
voice spoke. “This is Senator Forlass. When elected for his first
term he promised security. Instead we find out that he's taking
campaign contributions from the Elven Court, the largest supporters
of dragon preservation in the country. Dragons are responsible for
60% of broken magical barriers around cursed forests and 40% of
magical beast killings. He promised security, but do you feel secure
with dragons around?” Pictures of dragons and their victims
appeared on screen. The images appeared as violent as it could
without breaking any laws. The voice then spoke quickly. “This
message paid for by Wizardly Election Sponsorship Guild.”
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