
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #ConspiraciesConspiracy

“The one ring to rule them all.”
Kay Jewelers* #quote

Today I went to my costuming club and we worked on props and such for a school event. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Conspiracies Conspiracy

       Everyone has to spend their free time somehow. Professor Dalton spent his connecting the dots. A smart man who created very complicated, very profitable technology for a very large company, he had plenty since he managed so many innovations. He mostly delegated ideas and spent his time connecting the dots at home.
       However the dots he connected didn't necessarily exist. His incredibly inventive mind caused him to invent more things. A man of conspiracies.
       In a room on the second floor of his house he mapped out all the dots on every wall. People that believed in conspiracies focused on a single one. Professor Dalton, like them, had one conspiracy. However his mind couldn't keep it simple. Dalton's conspiracy enveloped hundreds beneath it.
       He connected the Freemasons, the Kennedy assignation, the founding of nations, wars, the rise of the Nazis. His theory united various believed shadow governments and hidden alien presences around the globe. Mind control chips and Area 52 are surely connected with ghost soldiers used by the army.
       Professor Dalton connected all these dots and believed in them. Yet he remained calm. After all it was just a way to spend his free time. As long as he could watch TV and go to bed the next day it didn't matter. Shadow government or not, he still got cable.

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