
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ASidekicksBlogPost

“Drink responsibly.”
Dionysus* #quote

Today I read a comic about gerbils on the Internet. It was a joke-a-comic strip. Yay gerbils! Remember anything can be on the Internet. (It's going to be awhile until something tops that comic I read about penguins fighting skeleton monsters. I'm not making that up.) Anyway onto the flash fiction!

A Sidekick's Blog Post

      Hey, Unconquerable Lad here. I know I asked my alternate universe self to handle a few posts for me while I went on a long mission with Captain Unconquerable so I wanted to tell you I was back. I liked the posts he did while I was gone so I'd like to thank him.
     The mission went good. The Captain and I worked with a few other heroes to take down a big league of villains. It was pretty satisfying to land the knock out punch on a high profile villain like Doctor Graveyard.
Big downside is that both our costumes were totally wrecked by the battle. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to sew anti-matter string costumes. And I'm sorry readers, no matter how many times you ask in the comments, I'm not allowed to tell you where to get anti-matter string. Or how you turn anti-matter into something you can wear in general and use for defense. Super hero trade secret.
      Sorry guys but I gotta cut this post shorter than usual. If you know anything about Doctor Graveyard you'd know that he's a scientist that controls the undead with his machines and I got zombie reek all over me. Before I go Captain Unconquerable wants me to tell you to stay in school and to eat your fruits and vegetables. (The Captain always says stuff like that.)

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