
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheRevengeOfTheToad

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Marty McFly* #quote
Today I CLASSIFIED. Anyway onto the flash fiction!
The Revenge Of A Toad

         “Looking for your spell book witch? Your wand? Your broomstick? Your potions?” A young handsome, man with skin the color of freshly tilled soil and hair the hue of dry wheat said with an angered tone. He looked at an old witch with gray hair and skin so wrinkled and white it looked like petrified tree.
        “Where's all my property!? My house is piratically empty! Who are you? Are you some kind of burglar?” The witch yelled shaking her old fist. “I'll cast a spell on you!”
         The young man laughed. “Well, the answer to your first question is that all your property is in ashes. I burnt it all, only way to dispel all your dark magic. Can't just break up your wand or you could reform it. That's what a kind wizard told me. The same one who lifted the curse you put on me. If you don't remember me my name is Jake.”
         Jake walked up to her. It wasn't hard to loom over the short, old woman. “You are as sick as I thought you were. You don't even remember the people you curse. You turned me into a toad. I guess for slightly offending you on a date we were on. Though it was five years ago and you shape shifted yourself into a young, beautiful woman instead of this ugly thing you are now.”
         “How dare you, you, you insolent magicless commoner!”
         “You really should be wondering what I'm going to do to you as revenge for the five years you took away from me by turning me into a toad. The five years I spent as a filthy animal. I was lucky a wizard with strong magical senses noticed my predicaments before I was eaten or something worse.”
          “What are you going to do to me?”
           Jake laughed. “I'm going to do what you did to me. I'm going to leave you to a terrible fate. I know you've cursed people with far more dangerous, cruel and sadistic minds than mine. Any way I could kill you would be laughable compared to what they came up with. Among the possessions of yours I burnt was all the magical items you had binding them to their curses. They will come after you. And all you can do is run with those old legs of yours.”
          Jake left, walking away while holding back the urge to hop which still hadn't fully left his body. The good wizard that lifted his curse said that in a few more days all the side effects of the witches curse would be gone.

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