
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ReaperOfTheStars

“You're the sunshine of my life.”
Dracula* #quote

Today I'm thinking of inviting CJ over for the weekend for some generalized loafing around and perhaps also a little interstellar travel. Oh, and chess! Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Reaper Of The Stars

        A rock floated through space year after year. The rock lived as an unthinking thing in the empty, silent, voiceless, expanse that surrounded it. It floated through galaxies as supernovas happened in the distance and as planets and moons formed in the solar systems it passed through. The rock's only destination was where it stopped.
        And it would stop at a little blue planet in a solar system with one star.
The rock would collide with the planet straight on. The rock also did not show to be microscopic compared to the planet. It showed to be quite large. It would do a lot of damage. At least to the life living on it.
        And so the rock collided. Many of the dominate races of massive reptiles and other creatures were killed and their populations diminished to exterminated in the catastrophes that followed as a result of the rock's collision and other events. But other species continued the flow evolution.
        The thing to wonder now is when another rock will come to visit the little blue planet.

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