
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheMemoriesToBeAltered

“I've got a rumbly in my tumbly.”
Hannibal Lecter* #quote

        Today I'm going to a writer's thing, but not for my own club doohicky, but for the organization Mom's in. I'm betting it's going to be lots of fun. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Memories To Be Altered

          In the distant future anyone could alter their memories with the right tech and reexperience that portion of their lives. Ordinary weekends turned into fabulous vacations across the world. An old man named Charles saved up for this very procedure. He saved up a great deal of money as he wanted to pay for an expensive alteration that would alter the memories of most of his life. He wanted to relive so much of it. At eighty and asking for forty years of alteration he would be the longest ever memory alteration.
         People speculated as to what he would want to relive his life as. He wouldn't talk to anybody about it so no one would ever change his mind or discourage the alteration, as many people protested the process. He stowed himself away in his house as soon as he registered for the procedure and waited for every single bit of medical paperwork and bit of bureaucracy to be processed only coming out when necessary.
Some guessed he wanted to become something shameful, like a power fantasy of being a serial killer or crime boss. Or maybe he wanted to live the life of a rich actor? They guessed and guessed and guessed. Eventually it did come out, as the people who do the procedure must reveal so that those in reality may react properly to the person with the new memories and know what kind of person they've become.
        The new life Charles implanted in his memories and experienced within the memory machines did not vary drastically as a new role like an actor, or crime boss or seat of power, or magician, or something extravagant. He simply rewrote his life so that his wife that passed away forty years ago didn't. He lived a full marriage with her in the procedure and the last implanted memories and experience he relieved was her having a peaceful passing and not dying in a horrible accident and now he lived in a world as it was before but having lived destined bond with true love till her old age.

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