
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Today's #flashfiction He Finally Took Over The World

“One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.”
Long John Silver* #quote

Tomorrow I'll be heading to my costuming club, it'll be the final meeting, but hey, most of us will be wearin' costumes. (We don't always, as well, that'd be a little silly and difficult to wear costumes to ever meeting.) Anyway onto the flash fiction!

He Finally Took Over The World

            “I did it! I finally did it!” Dr. Evilplan said with the biggest evil laugh ever made in villain history. “I took over the world!” All the world's superheroes had been defeated by him and lay comatose at the entrance of his lair. He had used his super-power-taker-raygun to take all of their superpowers without taking any of their weaknesses. He then used the stolen super speed from The Quickster to steal all the nuclear arms and held the world hostage. His face had a smug smile adorned TV screens all over the world as the made this announcement, everyone was cowering in fear. “Who would he bomb first?” they asked themselves. Fearing a nuclear strike all the countries around the world surrendered.
           “So now what Sir?” his robot minion Stevetron asked after the announcement had finished, the heroes still comatose in his lair.
           “What?” Dr. Evilplan looked at his robot minion confused.
            “Now that you've taken over the world what are you going to do?” the robot repeated in his synthetic voice.
            “I-I” Dr. Evilplan stuttered, he had gotten accustomed to the superheroes foiling his plans. “Um, first we should have a party to celebrate taking over the world!”
            “With who? You're a loner mad scientist, you have no friends.” Stevetron responded.
            “I could kidnap some people and make them be at my party!” Dr. Evilplan yelled.
             “I don't think that would work out.” Stevetron responded.
              “Fine, well, I go make other people do my bidding! Just to show off my power!” Dr. Evilplan laughed.
              “And what bidding would you have them do?” Stevetron asked.
            “I could have them clean my lair!” Dr. Evilplan yelled.
            “But I do that already. I did that today. After lunch. You even complimented me on a job well done.” Stevetron bragged.
            “I could have people statues of me!” Dr. Evilplan proclaimed.
             “But you hate even having people see pictures of you, why would you want someone to look at a full scale monument of you?” Stevetron asked. Dr. Evilplan just paused instead of answering the question,
             “I could oppress people to show them how incredibly evil and powerful I am!” Dr. Evilplan then cackled.
           “But sir, you wouldn't oppress anyone, you've never used any weaponry beyond a stun gun and the superheroes you stole powers from will wake up in twenty minutes otherwise completely unharmed. Sure you did steal all the nuclear weapons but you would never use them. Thank goodness none of the nations called your bluff. You wouldn't kick a dog.”
          “W-whatever! I just like leaving hostages.” Dr. Evilplan then frowned, “Fine. No use lying to you.”
            “Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why did you want to take over the world in the first place?” Stevetron asked.
            “Um, well. I guess I was bullied in school a lot then I decided that by taking over the world I would show I was much more powerful, cooler and better than them.” Dr. Evilplan rubbed his legs together, almost like a cricket. It was an odd habit he had since he was a child that he did whenever he felt incredibly awkward.
             “I'm sorry to be so blunt Sir, but I don't think you thought this through. You could have shown up all the bullies by becoming powerful through absurd amounts of wealth. Your a super genius and you've invented hundreds of spectacular technologies. Take me for example, I'm a sentient robot. Couldn't you have patented my schematics then used me to make billions? You could have done that. Your name isn't even really Dr. Evilplan, its Dr. Smith.” Stevetron said to his master.
An awkward silence followed unlike any awkward silence that has ever existed or will exist. Then after a few moments Dr. Evilplan snapped his fingers.
           “I know what we can do Stevetron!” Dr. Evilplan smiled.
           “What's that?” Stevetron, if he could, would have smiled himself. Based on the expression on his master's face it looked like his master had an epiphany. Stevetron was looking forward to the end of all this nonsense.
             “We will take over the UNIVERSE!” Dr. Evilplan yelled with an evil laugh that echoed throughout his lair. “We will first head out to the planet XRF-9 I heard it was the home base of the Awesome Alliance of Interglatic Mega Superheroes! Yes, soon the universe will be ours! After all, if I can take these superheroes's powers I can certainly take theirs, its the perfect evil plan! Muawhahahaha! Quickly, ready the spaceship!”

              “Yes, of course... Sir” Stevetron groaned in his synthetic voice. 

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