
Friday, May 8, 2015

Today's #flashfiction Wand Support

“Make love, not war.”
Genghis Khan* #quote

As I think about going to the new Avengers movie I wonder what kind of power I would have as a superhero. It'd probably involve overwhelming my opponents with the massive kinetic energy given off by my massive manliness.

Wand Support

        “Magiware Wand Support how can I help you?” Trogdin the goblin asked. It'd been a long day of earning money to pay for a college degree that would finally lead him to a job that would be fulfilling.
         “Finally, it feels like I've been on hold for an hour.” Trogdin already heard the pained annoyance in the man's voice. Both from whatever issue happened in his wand and his waiting.
         “What's the problem Sir?”
          The man replied, “The wireless spell downloading capabilities of my wand aren't working! I've been going through the settings for griffon knows how long before I called!”
          Trogdin thought to himself then replied, “Did you try turning the wand off then turning it back on?”
Silence created a hollow air to come from the speaker.
          Trogdin then said, “Sir?”
          The man then laughed. “Well I'll be a dragon's momma, it worked!

          Trogdin then prepared to give his sage advice to the next fifty callers.

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