
Monday, January 12, 2015

Today's #flashfiction #PaperPurgatory

“Remember kids, don't do drugs.”
Breaking Bad* #quote

Today I solved the quiz of the Sphinx. A bit harder than the riddle of the Sphinx.

Paper Purgatory

       A sinful postal named Reggie dies by accident in a graveyard haunted by the ghost of a genie. The genie needs to grant one last wish to move into the afterlife, that is his unfinished business. The postal worker doesn't think much of genie or the motives beyond that and decides that as a ghost he can finally see the world so that's how he spends his wish. The genie, like many, are bound to use their magic to punish or reward people karmatically(and often poetically), and that holds true even in death. The sinfull postal worker thought that his form as a ghost would protect him from any genie repercussions that would happen like in the movies.
        But the genie found a way. He gave Reggie a new home. The postal worker became cursed to haunt a fake letter that the genie placed in the mail. The address to be sent would change as would who supposedly sent it so when someone got it they would return it to sender and Reggie would be off again. A loop of the letter traveling the world, and even the postage would change if needed. If opened the letter would say what was exactly needed for the person to want to send it away again. Reggie couldn't be spared by damage or being tossed away. His letter purgatory could repair itself and would crawl to a mail box in the dead of night.
       One of the easier magic spells the genie granted. As the genie passed on the sinful postal worker traveled the world as a letter. Part of his wish was to see it, so a strange sight was granted to him from the rims of the envelope. But Europe, China and South America all look the same from the inside of a mailbag.

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