
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Base Humanity Integration Project Ep5

My medicine can sometimes make the easiest work hard. Its those Kepra flares and Klonopin side effects. One makes me more easily stressed(Kepra), while one makes me dumber(Klonopin) both are hitting me hard recently(I think the new medincine Onfi is setting them off, but I won't know until we speak to the doctor, but the timing of me increasing the Onfi to the side effects getting worse is close.) I've also had a couple hundred seizures today(of varying intensities) so this is one of those bad days where I had to take a Klonopin, I hate those days because I try to avoid taking the Klonopin so I deal with the seizures, hoping they'll get better because when I do take the Klonopin it throws me for a loop, I feel bad and it can give me headaches and impair my thinking. Usually I nap right after I take my Klonopin and I just woke up from one of them naps. Today's episode was written earlier in the day way before I wrote this post. At least writing isn't stressful though, but now I have much homework to catch up on, and not much time(or energy) to do it with.

Anyway, enjoy today's story!

The Base Humanity Integration Project
Episode 5:Honesty

         For the first time in the two weeks he had been living with the cyborg family he saw another base human. But not face-to-face, he only saw the base human on television. The base human had thin, long black hair and bright blue eyes like a clear day's sky.
          “Well, thanks for moving my car.” the base human took unnatural sounding pauses between his words, as if it was a large mental task for him to form them. “Anything I can help you with Mister?” the base human stared at the cyborg next to him, the only other character onscreen. The actor put a glazed look on his face, as if he was half-way drunk. The cyborg was wearing an officer's uniform. His skin was a rusty green and his hair a copper red.
          “Could you tell me if you've seen this man?” the cyborg cop pulled out a photo of another cyborg. This one quite villainous looking, with silver spikes where hair would be on a base human.
           “Why, yes, sir,” the base human took more and more pauses, as if dust had been collecting in his brain, “I saw him go, that way, earlier this morning.” the base human pointed off screen.
           “Of course he would head west, just as I figured.” the cyborg cop went into his car and drove off in pursuit of the suspect. Allen looked around the room. He wondered if the base human character on screen was an accepted stereotype. None of cyborg family reacted to the character acting like that. He took a glance at Harry, Jessica, John, Rose , and Edna. Did they all think he was as stupid as that character? The question jumped around in his head. After the cop caught the bad guy Harry opened up the television guide menu on the screen to see what else was on.
         “How about we watch something educational?” Allen said with a smile.
          “Oh, hum, how about this. I think you'll like this Allen.” the father selected a show with the remote. On the screen a show appeared with people in costumes representing the planets and other celestial objects. They were singing tunes for remembering facts about “them”. The costumes were big, exaggerated and colorful. After letting the show run for half a minute Allen couldn't take it anymore.
         “You really do think I'm stupid don't you?” Allen stood up and glared at all of them. “Well, do you?” he asked with the show still running in the background.
         “Well, um, we don't your as smart as us. But not stupid.” Harry attempted to make an honest recovery, though he was a terrible liar.
           “They won't say so, but yes, we all think your stupid because that's what you are clear-face.” Jacob stabbed Allen with his words.
           “At least he's honest.” Allen said with a gloomy yet scornful tone. He turned around and left for his room.

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