
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Impossible Futures

        Seizures are down today yay! Which means I'm feeling pretty good so I think I'll make some good progress on my book. Speaking of which my friend CJ is going to edit it for me.(He's an awesome friend like that) He was an English major in College just graduated and is going to become an editor. He is, very, very good at what he does. He's a grammar wizard. He knows grammatical rules and the differences between grammatical rules in grammatical styles. I do need help with editing. It is hard to edit your own work. I do go over these blog stories several times, but since you as a writer already know what your saying its hard to catch your mistakes. (Which is why other people looking at your work is important). I haven't finished my book yet but it's about a third of the way done(depending upon how long I make it in the end) and he wants the practice before he starts jumping into the business. Next time he comes over we'll probably go over my book together piece by piece. Anyway, onto the flash fiction!

Impossible Futures

        There was once a little girl that would have visions of certain futures. But only impossible futures. Futures that were guaranteed to never come true. She could tell they were visions because when they appeared in her head it was like she was imagining something but the image sparkled like she had put glitter on an old movie picture. She at first thought she was just imagining things in an odd way but she learned they were visions of the impossible when she had a series of visions in a row while playing rock-paper-scissors with her older brother who thought she was cheating somehow. (Her visions of impossible futures told her what he wouldn't use so she won every time)
       She got visions of all kinds. She would get visions of them winning the lottery and moving into a wonderful mansion. She saw herself getting an A on a math test even though she was terrible at math. She got a vision of their favorite TV celebrity visiting their home. She had a vision of a wonderfully fun snowfall on a hot summer afternoon. The image of a old-timey circus in her front lawn entered her mind one day. Another time her favorite cartoon character talked to her in her room. Next she saw herself going to a school where grades didn't matter and all the classes were fun. On a boring day she had a vision of her getting a cuddly pet dragon and naming it spot based on a bundle of red scales among its other green ones.
       Then one time she had a vision who's sparkles were less like glitter and more like sparks. She had this vision while she was playing with her dolls after school on a Friday afternoon. The impossible future in this vision was of her Dad returning home alive from his job as a fireman.

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