
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Playing with Music

       Hey Everyone! Well, this was an early post, so there's not much to say on what's happened today because, well, nothings happened! Though I intend to get lots of work on my book done. So yeah, anyway, enjoy the flash fiction!
        Playing with Music

         Hi, my name is Jessica! And if your going to play with me there's lots of special rules and stuff, so pay really, really close attention when I explain it okay? I mean really, really close attention! It's complicated! Now first we turn on the mp3 player thingie to the speakers. I played this game first when Daddy had the radio on, but now he got me that so I can play as much as I want.
         Now this is where it gets complicated! This is a game of pretend! See we're pretending to explore made-up places in our head! And what that place is like and what is happening in it is like whatever song we're listening too. Pay attention to the words in the song! That's really important! Though you gotta pay attention to everything! If the song's got sad sounds than you know that they're probably having a hard time getting food, but if its happy then they've probably got plenty. If its one of those techno songs you know they probably have robots. But really pretend whatever you think of. You can use any of the dolls or toys to help you imagine it if your having trouble. Remember every single note tells you something about the place! Low notes can be sad princesses who are forced to marry people they don't want to or poor families. High notes can be couples in love or things like parades!
          So after we explore the place in our head we then draw it on paper like Lewis and Clark drew some of America(I saw a show about them on TV with Daddy a long time ago.). But we don't just draw the map and animals, we draw any magical places we see and any pretend people we meet. We draw everything we imagine. I draw with pencils instead of crayons like other kids do.
This is very important we save all these drawings. Daddy cares about them a lot. He got so excited when he saw them for the first time. Says they're 'photo-realistic' and that I'm a child 'protege'. I don't know what those words mean. He explained it to me, I think it means I draw really good for how old I am? Don't know how that makes them so special.
        The people from the TV network also say that a lot too. Oh! That's also a very important rule. One that Daddy added. Don't look at the cameras that the TV people put in the living rooms.
        So wanna play too? I'll let you pick the song!

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