
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheImprisonedGodsRelease

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
Wile E. Coyote* #quote

Hung out with CJ today. Much fun was had. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Imprisoned God's Release

          Four thousand years. That was the god's sentence. He terrorized the world, and for his actions the other gods gave him that sentence. He emerged somewhere in Idaho, or was it Mexico? He couldn't remember. After all just seeing colors again overwhelmed him. His imprisonment involved total sensory deprivation. He tried to live in his memories as best he could. But when released to reality again he stumbled around and just took everything in. Like many gods he held the ability to transform, his base form being human. (though really magical in nature, so more human in appearance). And while in his sensory rush he flew around the world.
        That's why he couldn't ever remember where he came out. Because seconds after his release he clumsily flew around from place to place, taking it all in. Gradually starting to take stops. Magically putting on modern clothes and languages.
        Before his sentence he was a wrathful evil god. But after serving a sentence longer than what any human could serve, and worse than what any human could serve he couldn't bring himself to terrorize reality again. He didn't want to get that sentence again, to be deprived of things as they did to him in complete sensory deprivation in that pocket dimension of nothingness. He now appreciated the company of other beings, the people he blended in with, the creatures of nature, the plants, and the rocks. He appreciated now the company of the feeling of the wind across his face that made him feel alive.
      He shed a tear when he felt an earthquake that he knew was caused by another god that may suffer the same sentence as him.

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