
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #OneWeeLittleSpell

“Let's split up gang!”
The Blair Witch Project* #quote

        Today I tried out my new deck. I liked how it worked, though not that many people were at the card game thing that happens on Sunday because of a big tournament that day(little far from where I live so I didn't go.) Since not that many people were there that day I only played against one person and the decks he had. Still learned a lot from it and changed the cards in the deck and traded him for some cards to enhance my deck. (That's why its called a trading card game. There's some odd funness to trading with other people. When both people win, you learn of the neat stuff they have in their collection, it's an interesting social interaction that's some of the appeal of trading card games.)

One Little Wee Spell

       One little wee spell made a powerful wizard happier than all so many of the most incredible, largest spells he cast over his life. He had cast spells to raise zombie armies to serve his needs, healing spells to cure the aches and pains of age as he reached the late years of his life. He summoned angels to sing and dance for him. He created storms to slay demons and dragons to catapult himself into fame.
     But this one little wee spell made him happier than all those combined. One lonely morning while he sat in his castle and his zombie servants made him breakfast a sparkling message. A basic message spell of twinkling lights.
    “You're a grandfather. We named him after you.”
     The wizard had a falling out with his family, and if they named the child after him they must have forgave him. So not only did he have grandchild but now he knew the family welcomed him back. He teleported out of the castle to find his grandchild.

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