
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheExperimentsOfDoctorSmith

“This town ain't big enough for the both of us.”
Mothra* #quote

      Today I'm heading to a card game tournament thingie and CJ should be coming over. Anyway onto le flash fiction!

The Experiments Of Doctor Smith

        Doctor Smith held a generic name but a twisted and ambitious mind. With a massive family inheritance he carried out illegal experiments in the fashions of a mad scientist. He wanted to understand emotions. All so he make the perfect family and friends for himself. His family had passed and he had no friends. Comes from being a social outcast and being inspired by misinterpreting Frankenstein. His heart's desire was to have his manufactured family and friends congratulating him as the world gave him award after award and recognition and acceptance for unlocking the secrets of the mind and making perfect people.
        With his inheritance he thought he had the means. Fancy devices, assistants that would do whatever he wished, human specimens smuggled for morgues. His dream destroyed what other discoveries he made. He revived brains to awareness again. Revived people. But merely experimented on them. He wanted to make new people despite the fact he may have discovered another step to saving human lives. He poked and prodded at murder victims he revived, distorting their brains, even though he brought them back to life. An assistant asked for their grandmother to be revived. He did, and experimented on her. Since the inheritance hired criminal connections to run his operation, the assistant knew questioning him may result in his own death and his families. He never wished he had done it consider what Doctor Smith did to his grandmother's brain.
       Eventually he did make his first family member. His new father. One he crafted to “love him unconditionally and do whatever is best for him” that is how he worked the brain of the new man to think by combining the parts of other brains and using robots.
The man awoke, shocked. He had the memories of several of the people he was made of but did have the instincts that Doctor Smith gave him. The scientist talked with the man and told him about his work and what he had been doing to make him.
       After he processed everything he punched Smith in the gut and then easily subdued him. The doctor made his father a very strong man to be part of the “ideal father figure”, practically a superhero. The new “dad” soon used equipment around to tie up Smith. The assistants didn't even move out of confusion.
Smith said to him, “I thought you were supposed to love me unconditionally! And do whatever is best for me, why are you attacking me?”
      “This is what is best for you,” the father said, “This needs to stop. I'm going to find out the phone number for the police and call them. Even if you do it from an insane asylum you need to do regulated, proper experiments for the good of mankind. It's the best for your mind, soul, body and legacy.”

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