
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TwoHeadsAreBetterThanOneButThreeIsACrowd

“Stay in school!”
Peter Pan* #quote

       Today's my birthday, and I'm clocking in at 23 years of age. Here's to another year of me not spontaneously combusting, murdered by butlers, eaten by tigers, or disappearing under mysterious circumstances. Also saw Frozen today with family. It was a good movie, though it did have a crazy amount of songs. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Two Heads Are Better Than One, But Three Is A Crowd

          “Let's go to the library, I want to go to the library!”
          “Quiet Greg.”
          “I wasn't saying anything!”
         “No, I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the loudmouth.”
        “This is why I wanted to go to the library! We can pick out names there!”
        “I thought we were all Greg.”
         “No, we're not!”
        “Ugh, loudmouth is almost right. But we've been using left, right and middle Greg for awhile now.”
         “I thought we decided to abandon the whole left, right and middle thing so that we could become individuals.”
        “That's why I want to go to the library!”
         “Shut up loudmouth!”
         “Hey, if I'm getting a name it's not going to be loudmouth. I like the sound of Sally.”
        “You're not even a girl!”
        “Listen to left Greg.”
        “Hey, I thought we agreed that we're not using those names! That's why I wanted to go to the library! And well, I guess our body is a boy. But we're three different heads on a dragon body! Why should it matter!”
        “Let's just make the wizard give us three new names completely different from Greg.”
       “You're right, right Greg. We've worked for him so well after he summoned us it's the least he could do.”
        In a few moments the three headed beast consulted the wizard and he gave them their new names.
       “Larry, Curly and Moe! Those are names!” The yelled in unison with smiles on their scaled faces.

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