
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheSellingOfAStar

“Under the sea, darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me!”
Jacques Cousteau* #quote

         Today I walked on sunshine. Turns out it's harder to do than you think it is. I mean walking on light is pretty hard. I had to break some laws of physics. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Selling Of A Star

      “You must understand! You can't possibly sell the Sun!” I pleaded Humanity's Conglomerate as they stared at me through hundreds of screens on a wall in my diplomacy hall.
        An old representative with a long beard and career replied, “An outdated term. It is a sun. Nothing more.”
        A young man added, “Self-centered, self-righteous Earthling! Like your planet is all that important. You just think because you're the origin planet you should get special treatment!”
        An older woman remarked, “Yes, Mars didn't get any special treatment because it was the first colonized planet. What are the requirements for special treatment hmm?”
      I hadn't even gotten into any arguments yet and already Humanity's Conglomerate ganged up on me like a pack of wolves. Not that many of them knew what wolves were. They all lived on their own life bearing planets that were found, or worlds that were just terraformed and created artificially. I'd be surprised if wolves were brought to any of those worlds.
     “Everyone, quiet down please.” All the people on my screens went silent as Representative Smith spoke. Due to a massive burn accident the man's skin had to be replaced with some sort of artificial, robotic replacement. So now his silver colored metal skin gleamed instead of sweat. But when he spoke you could see beyond his metal lips and see that inside he was still human. Also his eyes still survived as flesh, but they didn't seem too human. Human eyes express something. His simply looked at the person he talked too like a camera. “Let the man state his reasons. We hold this meeting for nothing.”
      Humanity's Congress took the conversation more seriously because Smith did. He represented multiple planets under human control that held the most massive military and economic might. His political connections ran deep and he probably possessed blackmail on both representatives here and on the planets and territories themselves. Perhaps even on the aliens we dealt with daily.
      “Um, yes, well.” I grew even nervous as I felt as if I was addressing Smith personally. “The natural consequence of selling the Sun of Earth to aliens would be that we would lose the solar system. Which I view would be a massive loss.”
      A representative from an underpopulated planet replied. “That issue is resolved. All wealth and people from Earth would be moved to my planet. I'm an honest politician. I decided that it would be in the best interest of both worlds if we moved your population to my world, and used the money from selling that star to the aliens to improve the mutual life of both people and relations with aliens. And you know very well we can't just give them another star. They want one of a certain age to harvest resources from.”
      I couldn't come up with anything in response and just stared at all the screens blankly.
Smith said in response, “Representative of Earth, Mr. Hedgeworth? You're failing your predecessor. He was much better than this.”
      Failing my predecessor? Much better than this? I didn't know the old representative that well. Did Smith care so much because of how good my predecessor was? No, I can't care about what he thinks. I have to save the Earth. Even if the people get evacuated, I can't lose the planet.
     I spoke my counterpoint. “He only restated the reason why Humanity's Congress is considering selling the Sun. He has not proven that the solar system's value is less than the Sun. It is far greater.”
Smith spoke up, his voice gentle, and political, but intimidating in its heartless monotone. “Actually it is your obligation to prove to us that the solar system is of more value than that sun. Considering the political and financial gains to Humanity’s Congress the value is vast. Also it has already been stated that all people will be removed from the planet before the transaction takes place so everyone will be safe and no loss of life will occur. Do you have any proof of the value of Earth? Any documentation?”
       I felt Smith was challenging me. And I couldn't accept. I didn't have anything. I was a fool. I thought I could appeal to them that Earth mattered more but really I couldn't defend my home. Could they be right? A planet merely a planet? Just like one lawn from another? But I had to protect my home. And what would happen to my job as a representative when the planet was gone? Would it matter? The politicians only cared for what profited them and their planets in some way. Though, perhaps, that's it! My dilemma is ultimately theres!
       I deepened my voice to become more dramatic. “Though there is another point I had yet to bring up. I believe that selling a sun and removing the population of a planet is an act against the stability of Humanity's Congress.”
       Smith's normally plain face turned intrigued along with the rest of them. Smith then said, “Go on.”
      “If the population is to be moved the government will be fractured and changed. I may be removed from my position along with other heads. Chaos may ensue. And my planet's Sun is sold what's next? The Sun from any number of planets? The core? All of you could be removed from your position by the greater whole. Aliens could buy us out and destabilize us like this. Demanding Suns, or cores of planets that throws of gravity of solar systems. This simple system could be a method to destroy Humanity's Conglomerate.”
       The room instantly exploded into chatter. It eventually settled down and they voted on the issue. The Sun wouldn't be sold and neither would any planet's sun or anything that would put in in destruction. The meeting was adjourned and everyone disconnected on time except for Representative Smith.
      He said to me, “Earth has the smallest military might of all the human powers and little economic shove yet stood strong on the political end for years. Your predecessor did this with his brilliant moving of everyone like chess pieces. You remind me of him. Can you protect Earth the same?” He then disconnected.

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