
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today's #flashfictions #TheMostVileOfPlans

“Everything doesn't revolve around you.”
Galileo* #quote

        Today I turned the other cheek round like a record baby, round, round, round..
Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Most Vile Of Plans

       The mighty superhero Mighty Gauntlet flew over in the city in his mighty jet using his mighty vision to find crime to fight mightly. He was then altered by his mighty radio(that had mighty reception) that a supervillain was taking action in the city. He sprung into action with mighty speed and found the supervillain mighty quick.
Would the supervillain be intimidated by the Mighty Gauntlet's mighty muscular body? Or his mighty fashionable red and blue superhero costume? Or his mighty glare and mighty black eyebrows? It seems this villain did not cave to the mightiness as he still stood in the middle of the road in his supervillain outfit.
       The villain's outfit was green, yellow and red, in the order and fashion of a stoplight. He wore a large black jetpack on his back, ready for use. He filled the road with traffic cones, blocking everything in the intersection.
        “I am Doctor Traffic!” He let out an evil laugh. “And my evil plan is near completion.”
        The Mighty Gauntlet was not mightily impressed. “Stopping traffic?”
        A person in a car yelled, “He's been there for over and hour minutes!”
        “This isn't worth my time,” Even though the Mighty Gauntlet was already there and could have stopped the villain he went to his mighty jet and did a mighty shrug saying, “This is beneath me.”
Later ten people died in a bank robbery shooting because police couldn't respond in time because of massive traffic buildup spreading out from that intersection. And Doctor Traffic got away with all the money his subordinates took in the robbery.
        The Mighty Gauntlet no longer felt very mighty.

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