
Monday, February 3, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #ToBeAStar

“Who let the dogs out?”
Cruella de Vil* #quote

       Today I got ready a preorder of a game my friend got me to be sent to the Gamestop near me. He bought the preorder of it at a store near him so it had to be moved to the one near me so the game would be near me. I'm looking forward to Friday when it comes out! And hey seizures were down so that was nice too. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

To Be A Star

      “If you weren't wearing earplugs you'd certainly be deaf. But you'll still probably develop hearing damage.” The doctor informed his patient. “You're lucky you lived. Even with all the protective gear you wore. It'll take months for your hair to grow back, if it does. And the burn damage...I wouldn't normally say this to a patient...but what is wrong with you?”
      The room was sterile, clean, and in working order. The doctor stood fine, healthy without a scratch on him and very physically fit. The patient lay on a bed covered in bandages from nearly head to toe. Broken bones and burns were healing. He smiled with burnt lips.
      “I wanted to be the coolest. A real action star. It's loaded up to the Internet. A nurse already told me it's getting millions of hits.”
       The doctor crossed his arms angrily. “Normally I have pity for my patients. I do. I give my heart out to them to work on them with a passion, if they die I mourn for a second, but don't blame myself and move on. I have a flexible heart. But you I can't. Your wasted the hospital's time. You mutilated yourself. You endangered everyone with your stunt. You expected to be hurt. That's why you did it near the hospital. Sane people who didn't want to get themselves hurt should be getting helped instead of you. People may emulate you now since you had it auto-uploaded. You're sick.”
       The patient laughed. “You shouldn't be angry doctor! You should be glad! You're helping Mr. Bartleton, the real action star. I went beyond a stuntman! I actually jumped away from a real, live explosion! It was so exhilarating...that single'd never understand.”
       “I don't. Nurses will be checking in on you. I hope that your health insurance doesn't cover this and you have to pay for it out of your burnt little pockets. I'll find a way to take down that precious egotistical video of you showing off your jump away from the explosion.”
       The doctor then pulled out a cellphone and took a picture of him.
       “Then the only thing I'll ever show people is the pitiful after effect of such a stupid stunt.”
Bartleton replied, “It wasn't a stunt! It was real! I was a star! I leaped from the explosion! You can't take that away from me! You think your so sensible doctor? I lived life like you couldn't! You don't need sense when you're the ultimate action star!”
       The doctor left the patient to his ramblings. The patient reminded the doctor of when he ran away from explosions. Before the doctor went to medical school he worked as a stuntman. But at least when working at the movies he was farther away from the explosions and optical tricks made it look like he was much closer. And so many more safety feature. What an exhilarating moment of his life.

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