
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheNewRobinHood

“15 minutes can save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance.”
Andy Warhol* #quote

      Today I went to the costuming club, they enjoyed seeing my father's armor. And bringing that stuff there, haha it's as heavy as I remember!

The New Robin Hood

       A healthy rich man jogged in the park. His name was Alvin Redwin. An investor in many industries he didn't give much to charity, but he never actively hurt anyone either. You could always expect him to say please and thank you to friend, family, and even his workers(whether they be inferior or superior). All around a swell guy befitting his soft black eyes and skin. But he wasn't like a saint either. He'd be nice at a party.
       Pity I have to kill him.
      After all it's my duty. I am the modern day Robin Hood, but even greater. I have magic powers. Able to not only transfer physical fortune but anything else. I found this power in an artifact sealed in a black chest. I had to use a blow torch to open it. Did the original owners not want it out? Is it supposed to be evil? Ha! Doesn't matter to me. I think this power is sacred.
      I will use my magic powers to transfer the fortunes of Alvin Redwin to others. Others will become happier and he will become less happy. His money will go to the more needy. He's had it too long in my opinion. But not only will I take his fortune. I will use the most powerful part of my magic. I will take his health and transfer it to others. He's lived a happy life, and so others will live longer and he will simply die.
How do I pick my targets? Usually the happiest, but not famous enough. I can't afford to be found out. No one should stop my justice. I will of course choose the wealth of my targets to go who I deem most worthy. That's my right as user of the magic I think.
     Hmm...that's odd...the artifact is glowing...I'm feeling know the sensation of life force being pulled. I've done it to thousands. Why artifact? I've been doing your mission for so long. Why have you chose to take from me into you? And who as the right to get what is's not fair for

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