
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #SadMeals

“Hygiene is two thirds of health.”

      Today my family watched Last Comic Standing. It had comedians on it. Who would have thunk? I thought they'd be stacking comic books and seeing which one would take the longest to tip over. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Sad Meals

        Some restaurants may sell optimist meal packages. McWaldons sold Sad Meals.
        Sad Meals meals didn't come with toys. Sometimes they came with pictures of wounded or dying puppies in pounds. (The puppy pictures came in sets so you could collect them all!) Or also a spreadsheet of depressing statistics or gloomy fortunes.
         The signature of Sad Meals was the Hangman toy. It was a toy of a person with a noose around their neck with a name tag on it. The name was of someone that died that day(the toy would be picked to match of course. They prided themselves on making sure at least the gender was right).  Even though it would make the meals extra sad to make all the people in the meals young, they did all demographics for an added effect too.
         After the introduction of Sad Meals McWaldons didn't last long and declared bankruptcy fairly quickly.

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