
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheToasterThatWantedMore

“Just remember to be yourself.”
Rich Little* #quote

       Today I conformed to society’s, extreme, inflexible, overbearing, moral code and didn't steal a stop sign from the street. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Toaster That Wanted More

        The usual fate of a toaster is to only toast things. And for the toaster in the Marlo household that's all their toaster should do. Things are to do what they are meant to do! Well the tale of the toaster in the Marlo household is an inspirational one.
        By some mishap of magic or some otherworldly working, the Marlo toaster had a soul. And it wanted to be more than a mere toaster. So much that it willed itself into a human form! It created its own name, identity, and became a citizen...blending into the world as if it had been human all along.
       No one suspected the toaster as it became educated, and entered the business world, amassing wealth and contacts. It made friends, enemies and even married and had a family. Eventually it left business to join politics. The United States had a toaster for president, and he served the country well, along with the world. Relationships around the globe became more peaceful and he stopped war for decades.
     There is a sad note to this tale. The Marlo household had to buy a new toaster to replace the one that mysteriously vanished. That just ruined their week.

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