“They're okay.”
Tony The Tiger* #quote
Today I challenged the system. Currently the system and I stand
12-10 on our chess matches with me in the lead. Looks like I'm
beating the system. Anyway onto the flash fiction!
Fancy Food
Mr. Snootyson, an extremely wealthy man belonging to a family of
high prestige demanded the chef surprise them with his greatest dish.
Chef Von Increediblu would certainly oblige. He would reveal his
surprise meal to Snootyson and a single taste would show that every
gray hair on Von Increediblu's head meant a year of experience.
Then the oven busted and burnt everything about ten minutes before
reveal time. A hundred different curse words went through
Increedibu's head. He'd worked in countries all around the world and
in the workplace the first thing you picked up was curse words
whenever someone drops something important in the kitchen.
And this situation deserved every curse. Snootyson represented the
highest of the high class diners and could spoil his whole years of
reputation. If he told the man he burnt his food, that'd make him
lose respect from him and soon everyone when the story spread. He
needed something. Fast. Chef Von Increediblu frantically dashed
around the kitchen. Nothing can be made quick into a full meal. Would
he be forced to make a salad?
Then when he opened the fridge he saw his own dinner. A large
microwavable meal. The Chef didn't care, he heated the thing up as
fast as he could and scooped it all up onto the fanciest plate he
could. He placed all the decorative foods that fancy foods
accompanied with normally. He dashed the plate with what spices he
Nervously he walked out to Mr. Snootyson and presented the meal to
him, placing the meal delicately while he revealed it. He left, going
back to the kitchen afraid. He sweat the entire time while Snootyson
ate. When Snootyson finished and called him out Chef Von Increediblu
wiped the sweat from his head and approached with a nervous step in
his walk.
“This is the best meal I've ever had,” Snootyson told him.
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