
Monday, December 31, 2012

Today's #flashfiction #EmotionVision

“No such thing as bad publicity.”
Genghis Khan*

Today I've been working on writing for my next entry into the Writers of the Future contest. It's rolling out to look decent so far.

Emotion Vision

      Cryii are a very rare race of fairy that see both visually and through emotion. One layer atop another. People in the world they live in often think they are more common then they are just because they travel so often. The fairies travel out of a near religious devotion to recording what they see visually and through their emotional vision. They way they record it vary as they become educated and learn more methods. The eldest learn how to do it mathematically so that computers can store it. Children start with mapping words so that other species can at least get an idea of what their sight is. Below is one of the emotion vision word maps of a young fairy girl named Alex. The map is of the moment of the emotions spreading out from a man named Johnathan when he kissed his true love on one of those nights it takes a poet to capture.

Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity
Love Love Understanding Understanding Nervousness Comprehension
Love Bonding Tension Mind Nervousness Bonding
Love Heart Resolve Nervousness Fear Bonding
Love Bonding Resolve Timidity Empathy Unity
Love Bonding Bonding Soul Bonding Unity
Love Joy Unity Yearning Joy Love
Love Joy Unity Satisfaction Love Love
Love Joy Unity Possession Love Love
Love Love Love Love Love Love

Author Comment: I always feel like these odd format ones where I use tables or something besides normal narration can be hit or miss. I always wonder if I get across what I was going for. This one especially. Though the “perfect” form of emotion vision I imagined would be fourth dimensional spreading through 3D space and then the dimension of time but I couldn't exactly put that on paper. I hope you enjoyed this version though.

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