
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #DoctorBabyAnimals

“Gimme a hand.”
Captain Hook* #quote

Still hanging out with CJ, anyway onto the flash fiction!

Doctor Baby Animals

        Doctor Baby would be one of the most infamous supervillain names to be known throughout the world. Both for how much trouble he caused, how he got away with it, but also how he eventually got caught.
         Doctor Baby Animals's name was not about who he was. The man possessed no traits of baby animals, his only superpowers came from a small suit of humble power armor that allowed him strong protection from bullets and weapons and decent strength and a glove on his suit that gave him the ability to teleport objects. That teleportation ability is what linked him to baby animals. He would teleport baby animals to use as distractions, or shields. Not infrequently would he rob a bank by wrapping himself completely in kittens, only eye holes, legs and arms popping out.
        Doctor Baby Animals kept on his crime spree until one hero eventually stopped him. The hero would gain the reputation as one of the greatest anti-hero, depending on who you ask.
Doctor Baby Animals walked along with a bit of money he stole from a store proudly waving it around in one hand and his kitten hostage in another. As usual he felt invincible. He waved at the news cameras with the money.
       The Perpetual Werewolf walked up to him. This hero was a man who held the werewolf's curse but during every moment of his life.
       “You're coming with me,” He said to Doctor Baby Animals, standing on both hind legs. The Perpetual Werewolf was half human and was able to stand bi-pedal easily. He wore a t-shirt and jeans and looked much more human because of it. His reputation was widely known, he didn't need a logo to be known a hero.
       “Or what? I've got a hostage!” The Doctor waved around the kitten, “Nobody's ever going to stop me. I'm going to do whatever I want.”
        The werewolf then grabbed and ate the kitten.
        “Ye-s-Sir!” Doctor Baby Animals yelped, “I'll follow now!”

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