
Friday, October 11, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheZombiesTrodding

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”
Justin Bieber* #quote

         Today we adopted a rescue puppy and she is adorable! Mom actually named her Pikachu(And I never suggested the name or brought up Pokemon when she was thinking of names she just thought it was cute and it came to her head.) I think I'll post pictures if I can later, I was thinking of making a picture page on this blog and linking to it instead of putting it in the post itself so the blog can keep up with its format and the picture won't have to load for everyone all the time.

The Zombie's Trodding

        I trod. I trod. I trod. I'm not mindless. There's some thought left in this body. Though the desire to eat brains probably comes from the desire for more thoughts. When I eat brains I get the thoughts. I become human again. I get the memories and minds of those victims in me for even a few fleeting moments. But soon my body finishes consuming the brain and my consciousness becomes more basic. Back to being not mindless, but only have enough thoughts to desire more, and desiring the humanity I had when alive. Though all I can do is imitate it by consuming others. I wish I could know if I had a family. Or what my job was like. Or my hobbies. My only option is to eat every kind of brain there is and experience every life so I know as a whole I must have experienced my living life again.
       But will my undead body last that long? As I walk with the other undead I see living people with guns loading their weapons. And then they take aim. And then they fire.
       My rotting limbs fall to the ground and my head rolls off my torso and into a hole. I don't think I'll relive my original life. Or exist much longer in my undead one.

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