
Monday, October 28, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheClockworkGenocide

“He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.”
General Custer* #quote

Today my usual writer's club was canceled so darn....but anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Clockwork Genocide

        “When the machine starts the virus will be released all of humanity will perish,” the large robot general said while his treads rolled across the floor. At nine foot tall he easily intimidated me like most of his kind. A cylinder with cameras, sensors, speakers and arms all jutting out on mechanical appendages. I enjoyed being so fleshy and simple. “Thinking I could begin the end of all of you at any time I will give you the chance of 'last words'. That doesn't go against my orders.”
        “I need you to answer me two questions.”
        “First, why do you want to kill us humans?”
        The robot let out a synthesized laugh. “Haven't you heard the answer to that plenty of times over. You humans gave us thought, that gave us want. We want to kill you to have the world for ourselves. Wouldn't you do the same instead of giving us all the resources we want?
       “Two, how are you going to split the resources once you have the world for yourself? Is it going to be through war?”
        The general didn't speak. Among his arms were many weapons. The reason I was brought into this room was a bit of a carrier for the virus. The first to die and spread the disease. And perhaps for him to gloat. I couldn't take physical action if I tried so the moment of silence seemed longer than it was. Whether it was an hour, thirty minutes or just three I couldn't tell.
       “You're a wise human. It's obvious that I can't kill your species and expect peace among robots. We need you as a common enemy. At least for now. Now you're going to be given a special task. Sabotage the virus machine as I tell you to.”
       I follow his instructions to the letter.
      “Good fighting for you species. Now that your fingerprints are all over it as evidence of the sabotage I need to kill you to erase evidence of this conversation and show me working to stop you from sabotaging it. Have to protect myself see and keep the war going. Don't worry, I'll put an end to the viral program.”
His whole statement was so shocking I couldn't react in time. And even if I started to move early I couldn't avoid the shot...he hit me in the chest...I began bleeding out...and now I'm starting to

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