
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #ABattyShopper

“Stripes are very slimming.”
Betsy Ross* #quote

      Today I watched America's Got Talent #AGT with my family, we used a TV recorder to watch it a day later. The lighting person they hired is terrible and makes it really hard to see. Flood lights might look good when you're there but they don't look good for us at home eh? I hope they get a better lighting person next season. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

A Batty Shopper

         Edward's Everything Emporium had anything a person could imagine. When young employee Thomas looked down the aisles it seemed the shop extended on forever and the building was bigger on the inside than the outside. The place had five floors upward and he was allowed five floors downward but not into the basement. Though Thomas always felt that the store went much deeper than that. He asked a veteran employee about all the odd traits of the store. Including the odd whispers he thought he heard in the night and how some things seemed to just pick themselves up behind his back though he just attributed to other employees getting extra hours or the mess was never there in the first place.
        “It'll hit you when the time comes,” the veteran told him. When he said this to Thomas the boss laughed from some far off distance. The usual laugh he did while running his fingers through his long beard. Besides the beard the thing Thomas noticed most about his boss was his obnoxious dark blue suit.
        A large man in black robes with pale white skin approached the counter. He didn't speak a word and simply placed twenty boxes of sunscreen and a casket in front of Thomas. Like he did with every set of items before Thomas ringed them up. He'd seen stranger in the Emporium but never remembered a casket section. He figured it lie somewhere in the store's long aisles.
        After paying the customer turned into a bat and carried in the items away with a strength beyond what that little body should have. Thomas looked at the bat puzzled as he remembered the weight of the casket as he bagged it in the massive Everything Emporium Every-Size brand expandable bags.
         As the veteran employee said it did hit him: what kind of place the Emporium was and how it worked. He started to think of more strange happenings he didn't think to closely of before. Perhaps that strange cloaked hairy man yesterday was the wolf man before transforming? Who else did he not notice and what merchandise did he not look close enough at?

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