
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheIncredibleAdventuresOfHuuman

“That's my boy!”
Darth Vader* #quote

        Tomorrow is Friday. If it were Fryday I may look forward to frying something, perhaps in a grill or via gasoline. But it's just normal Friday. Though depending on when you read this it may already be Fryday for you! Er, Friday. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Incredible Adventures Of Huu-Man

        On an alien planet oh-so-far away there existed a comic book that sold spectacularly well. Roughly translated it is titled “The Incredible Adventures Of Huu-Man”. The story is written by an astronomer/comic book artist who based his work off our own little planet, observing it with a probe he sent through a wormhole to our world. Here's the plot as follows(Translated from the blurb on the back of issue #232 now in their alien bookstores).
      “The Huu-Man is a fantasy comic book like you've never read before! The Huu-Man struggles each day to provide for his family. He lives in a diverse world of many of his kind, both good and evil, clashes with their morals and even his own. Their technology many levels lower than ours...but they aren't simple animals! Huu-man is clever and tough and will think and fight his way though many problems. Problems caused by his world and society. Comic book artist and writer Grftiafi Fragghi has invented a complete world full of life and wonder different from anything on our world for the characters to struggle and learn through.”
      The alien writer never told anyone that he based his work on us because he didn't want to be exposed. He got much praise for his work and won many awards and made a great deal of money. Though by him not telling anyone about his discovery is why we're not part of the Intergalactic Intelligent Species Alliance and are deprived of massive amounts of useful, shared technologies that could be helping us and curing diseases. But at least soon they'll make a movie out of his comic!

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