
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #SpaceSurferDudes

 "There's a monster hiding in my closet..."
 The Boogie Man* #quote

     Today I phoned it in after I reported in and checked in. I forgot to clock out though. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Space Surfer Dudes

        “Duuudeee time to surf that space wave!” the young surfer David yelled with enthusiasm from inside his ship.
        Humanity invented faster than light travel by exploiting ripples of weakness space-time about seventy years before the young space surfer took up his hobby right after adulthood allowed him to drive a spaceship. (Spaceships in this era are much easier to pilot than in the current era.) However riding a space-wave, the common term for the ripples in space-time as the scientific name is an unpleasant mouthful is normally boring.
       But some carefully practiced, studious, trained professionals or idiots will go outside the “steady” zone of the space-wave to surf the stranger parts of wave to experience new realities. Our surfer friend David and the friends he brought with him are the latter idiots.
      And without hesitation they surfed the wave. They watched through their windows as other realities flew by them.  Their minds working to adjust to the new sensations that hit them. And failing. The trained professionals would know the ship needed to help them. They would need to have the ship windows and walls only allow through energies, sensations and sights that their minds could comprehend. But David didn't bother as pilot.
      Through means unknown to the simple sciences of our reality David and his friends experienced another and it warped their brains and destroyed them. They felt wonderful, perhaps enlightened for those few moments. But after that they would be found as wreckage in space with soup-like brains.

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