
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #ThePirateNinjaVampireCyborgDragonCloneSociety

“Google it.”
The Riddler* #quote

      Today I looked at the Looking Glass. It was a very reflective experience. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society

     The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society met once every month. The members felt a strong bond as they were one of the smallest minorities in the country. The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society members came from similar backgrounds with the same stories of discrimination and bullying. With no one to fit in with the pirate-ninja-vampire-cyborg-dragon-clones could only turn to each other and had to travel great distances just to get to their meetings.
       Not much was accomplished during their meetings. The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society had a mission statement to advance their presence and visibility in the world. But mostly they just spent time together and enjoyed the company of the others. Except for one of the pirate-ninja-vampire-cyborg-dragon-clone. Aaron felt the most bitter about those who harassed him through his life. But he also thoughts of greed and deception flowed through his mind. His heart grew dark and the way he viewed the world as one to con came from his upbringing.
       Slowly he started putting ideas into the heads of the members of The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society. Depressing thoughts in some. Hateful thoughts in others. Happy where he needed them. Thoughts that he needed for his grand scheme. Depressing enough thoughts in one that it led to an attempted suicide that Aaron purposely planned to be stopped by the police. He worked for months to make sure the member tried to do himself in the exact way that Aaron could stop it and call the police.
       The attempted suicide attracted attention in the way Aaron planned. The Pirate-Ninja-Vampire-Cyborg-Dragon-Clone Society became front page news quickly. Their plight now for all to see as the depressed member who almost committed suicide told his story. Aaron worked himself up as leader with the thoughts he planted in the members earlier to secure himself that position. And all the members acted in the way he wanted. Perfect for sob stories and personality types of all kinds.
       Aaron used his life as a pirate-ninja-vampire-cyborg-dragon-clone to gain a fortune. One day he smiled happily in his fancy office and glanced out the window to see a sunset. A relaxed breath was his last as an anti-pirate-ninja-vampire-cyborg-dragon-clone extremist shot him in the back of the head. Aaron became a martyr for the cause he created.

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