
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #FantasyFamilyFun

“Don't judge a book by its cover.”
Fabio Lazoni* #quote

Jessica's coming over today, the question is, to be or not to be? I think I'll be. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Fantasy Family Fun

        “I'm helping!” five-year-old Brittney said to her brothers while she healed with her magic. The microphone they used to communicate to each other was a bit static-y but they could still hear each other while playing the game with their computers set up in different rooms. Since her two brothers deemed that she didn't need to react as quickly as them she could use the old third computer they got as a hand-me-down from their odd uncle who told them it “fell off a truck”.
         The eldest brother, a lean, elven wizard covered with hard-to-get loot from many dungeons replied, “Yes, Brittney, you're helping. Just keep healing.”
          The younger brother, with a huge avatar covered with sleek black armor forged by the highest level blacksmiths in the game. “David, couldn't you do that yourself with potions?”
         “Mom said we had to let her play this game with us. And it she's been doing decently so far, right John? And it saves money on potions.”
          “I'm helping!” Brittney said with joy as she kept doing her work and playing the game with her brothers.
          John sorted through the items in his inventory as he waited for his sister to finish healing him from the damage incurred from their battle in the previous room. “Not as good as having a high-level healer. Jennifer's pretty skilled.”
         “I like Jenny!” The sister chimed in. The sister met the two brother's friend several times.
David comforted his brother, “Worry not my barbarian comrade. As we travel through this dungeon our sister skyrockets in levels since she's battling such high level monsters and just starting. Also she's wearing a two full sets of legendary equipment. I did have a limitation on what I could pick since she only would wear the pretty equipment.”
         John's still felt a little worried and it came across in his voice. “The door ahead of us has a skull mark which means the next room is the boss room. This is a pretty high level dungeon. Dying is going to make us lose several levels, which is days if not weeks of progress because of how far along we are and the massive Penalty Level of this dungeon.”
        David replied, “We've faced much worse haven't we?” He then opened the boss room door while his brother thought to himself about those times they at least had a competent healer.
       Brittney in her little elf avatar covered head to toe with magical jewels chimed in with a giddy voice, “Now we fight the bad guy!”
        The boss room contrasted the rest of the dungeon. The dungeon the players slogged through the game designers built out of twists, turns, close walls and bricks. This room opened up wide and the walls made of rock and the floor of straw. A large window let in light and it became apparent that the room's straw served the purpose to illustrate a nest as a dragon stood before the players.
David told his sister, “Remember what we taught you. Heal us when the bars on the screen get low and keep clicking the little boxes that cast the spells that make us stronger okay? And whatever you do, like always, stay in the back so you don't take damage.” The thing the brothers worked on teaching their sister the most was to stay in the back so that she didn't keep dying and they would have to backtrack for her or deal with game Penalties.
        The dragon roared as John suddenly laughed, “David look! The dragon! It's the games first boss, This dungeon has a recycled foe with stronger stats, this should be cake.”
         David looked at the data of the creature in the creature examination window to see that it indeed merely said, “Greater Dragon Of The Swamp”. Odd considering now the dragon didn't even appear in the swamp like the normal “Dragon Of The Swamp”. According to the window the only difference between it and the first boss was a massive boost in strength.
        David told John, “I have never, ever seen the game designers make any bosses use models of previous foes. Common guys yeah, but never bosses. Kinda anti-climatic for one of the super dungeons right?”
        John cast a water spell to take advantage of the fire creature's weakness to that element and proclaimed, “Easiest. Boss. Ever.” Despite the creature's massive strength boost from the first encounter with it the players had enough loot and levels to deal heavy blows to the beast and take little damage to it. David's axe cleaved and John's spells blasted the creature's sides and the creature's Vitality dropped while it's dragon breath barely hurt them.
        “I'm helping!” Brittney said as she healed the small amounts of damage the dragon dealt to them.
         David and John stopped attacking when something strange happened that perplexed the very principles of how the game operated. White numbers appearing showed how much damage something incurred so whenever they struck the dragon large white numbers appeared. Green numbers appeared over them whenever their sister healed them as that showed healing.
          Yet when the dragon hit 10% in Vitality green numbers appeared over it instead of numbers showing damage. Each of their strikes did not damage the creature but healed it. The scales of creature peeled off to reveal a strange glass and the creature roared twice as loudly as it did when they first encountered it. David noticed the name changed from “Greater Dragon Of The Swamp” to “Mirror Dragon”
        “What the---” John held back a curse as he remembered he played with his sister. He went in panic mode when he realized his Omega Nuclear Spell couldn't save him from this reversing damage boss as that would probably heal it fully. John did not want to lose, the Penalty from this dungeon was massive and it would hit him hard. “This is bad.”
         “What's wrong?” Brittney asked. The Mirror Dragon's attacks hit much harder its previous form though its defenses were miniscule. Not that they mattered. John tried an exceptionally low level power reduction spell on it as a test and even that was switched.
          David explained it to his sister in the simplest terms possible and tried not to use and complicated words she wouldn't understand. Though the panic he felt also made his vocabulary degenerate significantly as well as he lost focus. “Dragon is bad! We're going to lose! We hurt it and it gets healed!” In the information window about the creature it listed that the creature had an ability called “Reversal”.
           Brittney, like most children, clarified with a question. “So it's like opposite day?”
           The dragon roared and John used potions on himself and David since Brittney did nothing while she became lost in thought. The two brothers shouted every psuedo-curse word they could think of as the Penalty for the failure in the dungeon ran through their minds. “Darn, dang, shoot, blast!”
          Damage numbers appeared over the Mirror Dragon instead of healing numbers. An impossible thing in David and John's mind. Several more appeared and the dragon fell in a few moments as its Vitality was very low compared to even the Greater Dragon Of The Swamp.
          “Did we win?” Brittney said over the game microphone to her two brothers while a massive glowing treasure chest appeared while the Mirror Dragon exploded into a white mist.
John told her, “Yes, we did. And you were a big help.”

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