
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #OrenAndHisFiddle

Hi Ho Hi Ho , Its Off To Work We Go!!”
The A-Team*

        Looks like CJ is coming over this weekend and he'll be joining me for the card game tournament doohicky. Who will win? Me, him, or more likely some stranger who is a lot better than us? Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Oren And His Fiddle

         A rock slide fell through down mountainside. Devastation cut through the forest and chaos filled the air, along with music. The trees snapped and the rocks crashed with booms and cracks that an attentive ear could make into notes.
        At least that's what I think. The name's Oren, I camp in this wilderness, playing my fiddle to the sounds of the forest. Sometimes when I hear the rain outside my tent, but also when I hear the animals scream as one hunts the other. All nature makes notes and I play them on my fiddle. The rock slide turned out to be one of my favorite songs.
       I felt disappointed when the rock slide ended. But glad too since I always feel obligated to finish my songs. Though my body ached in excitement for another set of notes to present themselves. God granted my wish as lighting struck a tree and a forest fire started.

      What wonderful notes as the woods burned around me. I hummed to the soft burning crackles and the notes I fiddled along too. I knew I needed to finish this song. Follow it along as much as I could. Even as the smoke enveloped me, I knew it. I needed to play the lovely notes of this forest's decay.

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