
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Today's #flashfiction #TheAppleFallsFarFromTheTree

“It's do or die.”
The Grim Reaper* #quote

Today I ate Mother's homemade spagetti. Delicious. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Apple Falls Far From The Tree

        A ripe apple hung low from a tree. The fruit's healthy weight would make it fall in moments. It snapped off but before it could hit the ground a little boy caught it. He thought of eating it for a few seconds. Instead though he placed it in his pocket instead of eating it.
       He chose to do so because he learned about plants and seeds in school that day. When he went back to his father and asked if they could plant the apple in their yard the father said yes. Though the father did warn him that it would take some time and they would have to take care of the plant before it would grow as big as the one in the park that he got the apple from.
        The father expected his son to grow disinterested in the plant. But he did not and though it took several years the tree did eventually become large enough to bear fruit. The tree became a favorite of the family, especially when it gave such great ingredients for apple pie. The boy was quite happy.
         The boy grew into a man and eventually had children of his own. He remembered how much he loved growing a tree of his own so he gave his children an apple of their own to make a tree. Even if an individual apple failed, eventually every child in the household had a tree in the backyard.
         This developed into a tradition for the family. So much so that it followed as they moved. Every member of every branch of the family began planting apple trees wherever they lived. In their backyard or somewhere nearby if they didn't have a place in their own home. (Some grew dwarf trees in the windowsill just to have one).
         As the family spread so did the apple trees. The fruit fell where their lineage did. Though they didn't know where the tradition started, they kept planting. Eventually apple trees descending from that tree in the park spread across the entire globe. After several hundred years not a single country on the planet didn't have an apple tree.

      And so there lies the family tree.  

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