
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheDemiGodsDatingTape

“I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.”
Wolverine, X-Men* #quote

Today I figured out the ULTIMATE CHESS MOVE! But I'm not telling. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Demi-God's Dating Tape

        A dating tape flickered from static to clarity showing well dressed man with straight shoulders but a slight slouch. He had ethereal white hair but mundane looking brown eyes. “Hello, my name is Axxar and I'm the demi-god of awkward silences...............................................................................................................
that doesn't mean I'm an awkwardly silent guy though, as this tape will show you! In fact............................... .................................................................................................................................................................
...............................................," the demi-god coughed and swallowed slowly. “I draw my power from awkward silences. Like the time I obtain a great deal of power is after someone farts and everyone looks at each other awkwardly in silence..............................................................oh but farts aren't exactly the best thing to be talking about on a dating tape are they? Right? Right? ….............................. Now then how about some of likes. I like blues, cats and awkwardly silent walks on the beach......................................
 I dislike chatty people who break a good awkward silence. I look forward to meeting you.

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