
Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Alien's Blog

Hello everyone, posting this early in the day because I'm going to hang out with my friend CJ today so hence I have nothing to report because nothing has technically happened yet! Though I assume that my friend CJ and I will be involved in tons of shenanigans, hopefully nothing is lit on fire like the one incident involving that walrus and the bowl of bean soup. Anyway, onto the flash fiction!

The Alien's Blog

        Hey guys I sat next to Xaanoz again and it was awesome! Y'know he's the hot guy with the big, muscular tentacles that I've been talking about forever. He's got the cool, awesome, sports UFO and is the most popular guy and I've had a crush on him for, like, forever. Man if I can get him for prom I can get back at that glorpsnatch Dyorrz(that's the dumb girl with the sixteen eyes I've been fighting with, uggh, what's wrong with her?). I think he also checked me out! Before I thought he didn't even know I existed! I think its because of this really cute skirt that I got the other day. It actually compliments my skin. My skin's a really dark purple which is really, really, hard to shop for, believe me, especially since its got this little sheen(I've got still got scales from when I was young, even more aggravating, but my last boyfriend said it was cute so maybe it can help out? Though that glorpsnatch Dyorrz makes fun of me for them and she gangs up on me with her stupid group of friends sometimes. They spread rumors too. Told you she was a glorpsnatch!) I've gotta get back at her. That's it, I'm going to ask Xaanoz out to prom, become super popular and get back at that glorpsnatch Dyorrz! Though I can't think of what to wear. If anybody has any ideas please post them in the comments. Thanks!

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