
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Memory Music

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I want to thank my Mom for helping me fight through this all, my epilepsy and every other difficulty in my life. I love you. Now onto today's flash fiction!

Memory Music

          King Dallun and Queen Salleen had the worst of dilemmas. A spiteful witch who envied the queen's beauty cast a curse on their fourteen year old daughter so that at the end of each day she would forget everything she saw that day. The witch made sure that the curse was phrased so that the daughter would wake up knowing that she was cursed so that she knew her fate at the end of that day. The King and Queen sought the help of the great wizard Exuyi.
         He gave them a magic music box. The princess would carry it and as the day went on it would play its enchanted music. It could make the sounds any orchestra could and more, even the sounds of singing angels. Though the curse would still wipe her memories of everything she saw the music box preserved everything by having everything copied by song into her mind. Each detail associated with a note in a beautiful melody in the box. She forgot everything she saw, but not all she heard. Most wizards would have tried to break the curse, the great wizard Exuyi beat it.

Comment: I wrote this story special for Mother's Day because I know much Mom loves music boxes.


  1. Thank you for the lovely story, son. I truly enjoyed it. And your personal note even more. :}

    1. Thank you very much. And with the personal note I meant every word 1000%.
