
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Robot Beside The Deathbed

           So yeah, watched the Avengers today and it was very, very, very, very, very, very, awesome! It focused mostly on the characters interacting then the action. (Though I assure you there was much action) We saw it in 3D. Mom loves 3D I'm netural towards it. I neither like nor dislike it. Though sometimes during 3D movies(once or twice) take off the glasses for amusement. Like one time the Hulk was on camera and I was like, “One Hulk, Two Hulk, One Hulk, Two Hulk” though after that I kept them on for the rest of the movie. Though they're missing a member on the avengers in that movie... ME! I should be on the team. Somehow. I could be FlashfictionMan! I could distract the villains with my writing and rugged good looks! It could work. Totally. Seriously, I'd look absolutely dashing in spandex. Oh, I'm posting this at about 4:25 and I don't recall having a seizure so I think today's going to be a pretty good day going forward and I shouldn't have too many more as the night goes on.(They mostly come at night, but the day time is a good sign of the night) Anyway, onto the flash fiction! I think this one's pretty good and I think you'll enjoy it.

The Robot Beside The Deathbed

        “I'm going to die Thomas.” my Dad said to me on the hospital bed.
        “No, that's impossible! I know you will get better!” I yelled back to him. I did the calculations a thousand times over in my processors. They had a cure for him and I knew it would work. I had the most advanced robotic brain on the planet and Dad and his colleges had coded me perfectly. I was the super robot intelligence capable of original thought, capable of learning and emotion. Sure, I was a little childish, but that was because I was only five years old, and they had given me the body of a child. But I couldn't be wrong about something like this. He couldn't die. I knew it for a fact.
        “I know all the original lab tests said otherwise, and it shouldn't be possible, but my body is rejecting the cure for my illness. They found out today. I'm going to die Thomas. But they did say I have a few months so I'll be here for your next birthday. We can be happy about that.” my Dad said with a cough.
        “But I want you to be here for all my birthdays, not just this next one!” I would have cried then but I couldn't. My Dad and his colleges built me with remarkable human resemblance, but I didn't truly have human body parts so I couldn't cry. I could smile with my fake mouth, but I couldn't cry. I could also frown, so that's what I did.
        “Now, no need to frown now, it's not like I'm going to die today.” Dad sat up smiling. Dad didn't have too much difficulty getting up on his own, but I could see a little cringe of pain. “And you remember how everyone always says that if you remember someone and think about someone they're always with you? And that should be easy for you considering you have a photographic memory. Oh, and promise me that you won't use that photographic memory to count cards when your older alright?”
       “Alright Dad, I won't count cards!” I laughed. Though they managed to make voice sound normal and human my laughing had this sort of static clicking behind it. He laughed with me and his booming laugh drowned out the static in my laugh as it always did.
        “So, yeah, just keep me in your heart okay?” He said.
        “But Dad, I'm a robot, y'know, no heart.” I laughed and smiled while I pointed at my chest.
        “No son, you got a heart.” he told me.

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