
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ferrion's Game

Howdy, howdy everyone! I think I forgot to mention but I'm actually gradually reducing the anti-neasea medication and I'm not feeling like nearly any wooziness at all which means I'm really getting used to this stuff. Seizures are still down, but not completely out. Today was a pretty good day so I think I had like one earlier, though I may have one later tonight(I sometimes I have them while drifting off to sleep) Anyway, onto the flash fiction! *drums roll*

Ferrion's Game

        Ferrion the Necromancer had lost one of his most powerful souls in the last game, he couldn't afford to lose another in this wager. But he knew he needed stronger souls to win this season's championship and no other necromancer would wager strong souls for weak ones.
       The sport the necromancer's played could be mistaken as a simple game of soccer at a quick glance. But it was actually not played by the necromancer's themselves, each team was made up of souls the necromancer's collected from the human world. In each two necromancer's played against each other with their own team, casting spells to assist their teams. So at moments fire would burst from ground. Lightning would strike from the sky. Hail would beat down. The earth would open. Snakes would appear from nowhere to attack the hapless players. Though the souls were not manifested normal, they had been given enhanced strength. Running so quickly that the fastest of players could waltz with the lighting. 
       In today's game Ferrion was losing badly. More than halfway over his opponent, Salax had six points while Ferrion had a measly three. While the game played Necromancers watched from what was called the   “Mirror Room” standing side by side. The room was filled with magic mirrors that showed the field from many angles.
       “Your going to lose this game.” Salax said to Ferrion with an oddly friendly tone for being his opponent.
       “Shut up.” Ferrion said while casting a defensive spell to assist his goalie.
       “You waged a powerful soul in this game, I have a proposition. You don't have to lose that soul in this game. Instead I will accept your staff. Deal?” Salax said calmly.
        “This is the Staff of Dalefor, a most powerful staff and a gift from my grandfather. I won't give it the likes of you!” Ferrion yelled.
        “Suit yourself. Then with this game you will lose another powerful soul making the next game another hopeless loss and the championship impossible.” Salax gave a sly smile. Ferrion started shaking. He looked at his staff and then noticed that Salax scored another goal. He then came up with another option.
         “Lohoatohuyuaru!” Ferrion chanted beginning a spell.
         “That chant...” Salax said, “You idiot! That's the Dark Spell of Twenty Headed Dragon! Your not going help your team, your going to blow up the whole stadium!” Salax knew that trying to stop Ferrion by pushing him would only making things worse.
         The spell took effect and a black flame erupted over the field. After a brief moment the field was scorched. The stadium was wrecked. Necromancer's thanked their dark gods for their unholy immortality as their robes were tattered. The human souls were torn apart all except for one of the most fragile on Ferrion's team by sheer dumb luck. The fragile soul kicked the ball into goal until the game timed out. Ferrion won by a ten point lead.
            “There has to be a rule against this! There has to be!” Salax yelled.

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