
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today's flash fiction #TheDemonDirector

“Don't get bent out of shape.”
Optimus Prime*

       Saved the world today. Had to use all the leftover spaghetti in the fridge to do it though so I'm sad. I like spaghetti.
       Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Demon Director

       Howdy humans! My name's Grofjafasaa the Dark. You can call me Mr. G though. I'm a director. A demon even. However I set myself apart in that I don't use my fellow demons as my actors I use humans. But I don't pay them or give them the lines. I set up the circumstances to make a wonderful show. A sort of reality show that they didn't sign up for. Aren't I a fiend? Ha ha ha! I record it with my hidden cameras to then show fellow demons and spirits on the Other Side who wish to view it(for a hefty profit of course). I'll give you an example of my work. First my stage directions. How I set up the circumstances. My starring actor is one William Woods. I disguise myself as a human and sneak into his office. I break the coffee machine. I install a virus on his computer. I leave. My reality show is ready to be recorded while my hidden cameras. My hidden devices peer from a pocket dimension and follow my actor as he travels not only in his office building but to any corner of the Earth he could travel to.
      His boss is a coffee addict. Throughout the entire day he grows more and more irritated. With the down economy the boss is already depressed and stressed. He already reduced his paycheck to near nothing to keep the company afloat.
      The virus I made kicks in at the end of the day. At the pivotal moment my actor is needed with the boss. He can't accomplish a vital task. The boss snaps after all the stress that has built up on him and fires poor William while he worries that his livelihood and the livelihood was threatened by the man he just fired. Every moment the boss thinks the world might collapse around him. William leaves the office crushed. The first act of my movie closes with the boss looking at William with regret, but unwilling to bring him back out of paranoia.
       And so William walks out doomed. Doomed because this is a sequel. A sequel to him losing so many jobs before. All at my hand in previous dramas I made. And after this job takes a few months for a few more bills to pile up but his girlfriend leaves him for a wealthier man. She even moves far away. Out of guilt. She couldn't afford monetarily to live with William, but she couldn't afford to emotionally think about him either, so she moved oh so far away. It took her years to forget about him. But eventually she did. She didn't love the new man as much as William though.
       He was left piled up in debt and loneliness. It tore away at him with welfare barely helping and mostly just reminding him of his old life. His spirit had been crushed from the loss of his love so every time he got a new job his energy was low and he failed again and again. And when he couldn't take it anymore he committed suicide.
      I didn't want to give away the ending by telling you this, but I always make tragedies. It takes a lot of work. I make many movies at once, some much shorter than others. Working at Williams for many years with all the job losses before this final act with the job loss before the loss of his love was most of the work, but it was all worth it for this epic tragedy. The summary here doesn't do justice to what I made with the film I gathered with my hidden cameras. But alas I can't sell tickets to an otherworldly show to humans so this summary shall do. But I do hope you enjoyed the tragedy. It was a great deal of work as a director for me to get the actor to play his part for everyone to enjoy.
     It's a rough job but somebody has to do it!

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