
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today's #Scifi #fantasy flash fiction #TheGreatTrainofThoughtRobbery

“Up, up and away!”
Charlie Sheen*

        Fun fact for you all. Thomas Jefferson(For those of you unfamiliar with American history, he's one of the Presidents from way back when and one of the people who founded the country) created his own Bible. Well really he cut portions out of it with a razor and put it into one text. So he didn't actually “write” anything. He titled it The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. He cuts out parts from the New Testament from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John(in order from my understanding, I have not gotten a chance to verify that myself. I've only read a few articles on the Bible. I'm posting a summary of what I've learning from the various articles I've read.) and he cut out references to Jesus being divine. Like he included Jesus being buried but not being resurrected for example. It seems he was Christian but didn't believe in Jesus's miracles, though I remember reading that the text said he was the Son of God and such. But Jefferson's “Bible” Jesus never performed any miracles for example.
       He never actually referred to it as a Bible, and he also didn't show it to many people I read. Probably shows it was just a personal project. Apparently he said it was for “use by the Indians”. Considering he didn't actually publish The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazareth in any quantity for them, it's my personal theory he actually did this as an excuse to be able to edit the Bible without being labeled blasphemous. (Which of course back then was quite, quite dangerous. You think its bad now to be labeled blasphemous...ooohh boy.)

Here you can read The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazareth(The Thomas Jefferson “Bible”) digitally:

On a side note it's also preserved at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Great Train of Thought Robbery

      If the psychic police could fully synchronize their thoughts with the great Psychic Phantom Thief they could get a lock on his identity and finally catch him. The mind he had put himself in this time, the one of the 60th President of the United States, would be the last one he was ever going to travel in illegally. No more abuse of psychic technology to steal information for his own profit. He would be going to prison for a very long time.
      This psychic duel had simple rules. They would leap from thought to thought in their own trains of thought. They would know each others thoughts and synchronization would occur when their next thought is the same. So if the police lead him to think at least the same thought as even one of them they would be victorious. Being in the same mind they would know each others trains of thoughts and thus remember them and be influenced by them as well as there own. The Psychic Phantom Thief couldn't just think random thoughts or make massive leaps in thinking. A logical train of thought must be maintained or his consciousness would drop out of the President's mind and he had yet to retrieve the information he wanted.   The same rule applied to the psychic police. But there was another catch to this all that left the psychic police to a special disadvantage. The thief has an illegal psychic machine, altered to be much more powerful than theirs. If he could flee them long enough they would drop out and he could get the information he wanted from the President.
        Here are the trains of thought of the Psychic Phantom Thief and the three officers that faced him that day. Right at the moment they were in the center of the President's mind:

Thief         Jacob              Sarah          Jessica
Mountain   Cat                Forest          Machine
Geology     Animal         Nature           Metal
Earth         Habitat          Life                 Minerals
Earth Day   Unity           Mother            Ground
Hippies      Commune     Mother Earth   Fossil Fuels
Long Hair   Family           Father Time    Environmentalism
Rockers      Woman         Age                Preservation
Celebrities   Groupie        Nostalgia        Classic
Stars           Fan              Past                 Actor
Heat           Heat             Universe          Stage

At the final moment, the thought heat synchronized the mind of the officer and the thief.

        When people heard about the fact that the Psychic Phantom Thief many people were actually furious. People had become entertained and enchanted by all his escapades. People wouldn't admit it but having him around was fun in a way. He always made the news with elaborate tales of what he'd stolen and how. The tales of his information robberies were better than anything they could read or watch on TV. Better than they could dream.
       But when they heard he slipped up so easily and was caught by such a simple train of thought. Synchronized to so easily they thought it was dumb luck on the three officers part. He had battled against so many more officers that were so much more experienced. But the officers were awarded medals nonetheless for their capturing of the Psychic Phantom Thief.
       However it wasn't luck at all. And they learned that as soon as they found out what information he had stolen. He demanded that they didn't tell anyone what the information was. He wanted to go down as being captured unwillingly so people would think he wasn't so untouchable and wouldn't go after him to either pay him or force him to do more work and steal more sensitive information from important people for vile ends like he had been doing before.
       The information that the Psychic Phantom Thief had stolen was just the Presidents birthday. All information retrieved psychically was a copy so the President didn't forget or anything so he wouldn't know what was taken... but he stole the birthday so that when he was captured the information couldn't be used for anything. If he took something of value than it could be abused by whoever took him. When asked, the officer, by final request of the Psychic Phantom Thief, lied and said to his superiors that the thief had stolen some numbers he couldn't understand or remember. Assuming it was something extremely important like coordinates they told the officer to never speak of it to anyone ever again and Psychic Phantom Thief disappeared into prison, history and thief tales that are made into movie adaptations whenever Hollywood needs a quick buck.

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