
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #EverythingIsMoreFunThanABarrelFullOfMonkeys

“Words are meaningless”
Noah Webster*

       Today I worked on my book, met the President (but he didn't know it, he was sleep walking at the time) and invited CJ over. He may or may not come, it depends on whether or not he deals with tax stuff this weekend. Because he is an editor this is the first year his income is high enough to be taken away from him! Three cheers for the government! Besides that the only major downside was that I had a bigger than normal seizure while talking to CJ on the phone, gasping made a rough spot to talk and that always is bad.
      Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Everything Is More Fun Than A Barrel Full Of Monkeys

       My name is Marilyn, and I'm know for being a party animal. I host the greatest parties. From the crazy parties that run through the night to the upper class ones that all the snooty people just to be snooty. Through my life my parties got better and better. I made party fever a real condition, and I became the ultimate contagion. But one day, at one of the most wild of parties I had ever thrown I thought to myself “I can never do anything funner than this.”
       I fell into a depression as I couldn't come up with to make a more fun, wild party. I worked at it for weeks. My friends grew worried as I spent a whole month without throwing a party. As I worked to brainstorm a masterpiece. What could I do to make the ultimate party? I asked myself, “Marilyn, what defines fun?”
      After days of sleep deprivation worrying about my parties I realized...a barrel full of monkeys. Everyone says “more fun than a barrel full of monkeys”. Monkeys are the standard for party fun! So that is what I will have!
      So at my ultimate party I brought my idea to life. A party all my friends came to since they were eager to see what I chose to do after waiting so long to throw another party. I didn't bring just one barrel full of monkeys. Ten barrels full of monkeys! And I opened them with all of my curious friends gathered around.
      Apparently everything is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys. Everyone told me afterward that they hated my party idea and anything would have been better. I should have figured from the panicked screams as the angered monkeys leaped out from the barrels and ran around the building, half of them attacking guests and the others wreaking havoc all around. Nobody wants to come to my parties anymore...

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