
Monday, February 11, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheGhosts9to5

“I know where I'm going.”
Christopher Columbus*

     Today I worked on my book and I'm looking forward to my story being looked at tomorrow at my writers meeting. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Ghost's 9 to 5

9 AM: Clock into Work; Begin light flickering

10 AM: Finish light flickering; start wood creaking

11 AM: Finish wood creaking

NOON: Lunch break, ectoplasm sandwich;

1 PM: Finish wood creaking;Start spooking animals

2 PM: Finish spooking animals; start tapping people's shoulders.

3 PM: Finish tapping peoples shoulders;start making moaning noises

4 PM: Finish making moaning noises; begin making mysterious shadows.

5 PM: Finish shadows, Clock out of Work; Update Steve before he takes over the night shift.

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