
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ThoughtGraffiti

“He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.”
General Custer*

        I'm still hanging out with CJ today. Yesterday's universe traveling didn't go as planned. We didn't go to one of those duplicate universes, we kinda goofed on what universe to go to and kinda ran into an alternate universe where the women always look like Paula Abdul and the men always look like Christopher Walken. It was really annoying place because everyone only talked about their favorite sandwiches. We left and decided we wouldn't go universe hopping, at least till the next weekend he comes over, y'know, take a break.
       Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Thought Graffiti

      “Today we really caused some havoc, right Wally?” the leader of the group of psychics said.
      “Right, havoc,” I responded. I looked at the leader's giant smile. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, wore a plain black shirt and plain black pants. He stood in this half-slump. I really couldn't figure where he got the charisma to lead our little cluster of psychics because his personality was so very plain. Well, I knew something. He loved his psychic powers, was stronger than all of us, but showed it only enough to assert authority but not enough to intimidate. Maybe he's a lot smarter than I give him credit for because the simple, plain expressions on his face don't convey much intelligence. With the group of people I met among the psychics I learned you didn't need to be smart to be psychic. Oh, Tom and Sally are the dumbest I know and they're psychic. Maybe that's why they like each other.
      “You have to love all the havoc, and all the expressions on people's faces!” Jennifer smiled along with the leader. I'd wish they'd start dating already. It's already senior year.
I was recruited into the group and they already started calling it havoc before I got here. I would hope something called havoc would be more impressive. I thought a group of psychics would be more impressive. Movies accustomed me to groups of psychics doing something more dynamic each time they got together.
       “Well Wally, you're the only who hasn't shared the details of your havoc. Why don't you?” He kept smiling. I wondered if the source of his charisma was his smile. He never let up on it much.
I ran my memory through the day. “Well I put some dirty thoughts in people's head at awkward moments. Put some doubtful answers during tests. I didn't put many other thoughts in today.”
I saw many looks of disappointment on the club's faces. Even the leader frowned, he then spoke to me,    “Come on Wally, what's wrong? You're usually much, much better than this. We've heard much better, and I've seen you myself, observing your powers with my own. You're one of the cleverest among us. I think that the only one more powerful than you here is me.”
        “I'm just tired of all this havoc. It is really havoc. It's just simple. I dunno how to describe it. Thought graffiti?”
        “Then what do you want?” Jennifer showed off her immature pout. She saw my actions as questioning the leader personally. Why don't they just start dating?
        “I don't want to become terrorists with our powers. I think we should be more...productive. And not just mind reading for tests. How many of us are close to graduating? Let's jump into the business world. Use thought implanting to invest in business decisions before the companies even know they're going to make them. Suddenly a CEO will get the thoughts implanted that he needs a bunch of land we just bought for example. Let's actually do something for once.”
        “I agree, I like that idea.” the club leader smiled. But his smile was different than usual. A lot less plain and normal. I could see a lot more thought behind it. “I knew someone like you would think big. I'm glad I chose someone like you.” His smile changed a bit more around the word “chose”. He told me that psychic powers were genetic mutations but now that I think about it the only one that ever provided anyone any information about our powers to the group was him.
       “Um, thanks?” I responded.
       “Mint?” He motioned to the mint jar and I felt compelled to take one and I started to suck on it. On this train of thought of thinking about I leader I remember he always brought snacks to meetings and everyone always took something. I remember also on the day I met him he offered me gum. I didn't like gum that much but I felt compelled to take it. Thinking hard to back then I recognize that feeling as psychic influence.
       I started to think of the possibility of my leader lying, but considering the circumstances, should I care? I'll be toppling corporations, banks and possibly governments soon with my psychic powers. Being past psychic graffiti is enough to keep me happy for now.

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