
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheAntiStory

“You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.”
Edward Scissorhands*

        Today I worked on my book. Working with my third chapter. Chapter lengths vary based on book, but my current word count is 9499. Once chapter 3 is finished I'll run it by friends and family and possibly the creative writing club to see how it's rolling out as a sort of control group. Ch1 and Ch2 are pretty well edited(Well edited as far as my eye can edit them on my own, its rough to edit your own work...I've gone over them several times over.) You really need other people to catch all your mistakes. Though stepping away for a day helps(which is why my flash fictions can have editing goofs, I don't get the chance to step away from them for a day). Speaking of I decided to write the opposite of a story, a hollow shell, the evil twin of a story, the shadowy form a story...the anti-story.
      Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Anti-Story

A hero appears!

A heroine appears!

The heroine is removed from the story with no explanation!
She appears with no explanation!
Fifteen new one-dimensional characters appear and become friends with the protagonists!

Stuff happens!

A villain appears!

Nothing happens!

Even more nothing happens!

Yup, even more nothing!

A wee bit more nothing!
Hero and villain become and antagonistic: For no reason!

Hero and villain get in battle where neither can win!

Everyone gets amnesia from space alien plot device!

THE END: Nothing is resolved!

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