
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shuffling History

            I have been freed from the bindings of the hospital today YEAH! I can move around and flex all my muscles again woo!(They had me hooked up to an EEG to examine my brain for those who do not remember the specifics of my stay) and my doctor has sent me home with my meds and such. It was wonderful showering in my own shower and moving around outside the tiny confines of a bed So annoying, they connected the cords with glue too which is still in my hair! I'm also still getting used to my medication, one of the side effects of it is wooziness. But whatever, the doctor said it'll go away forever so I'll tough it out. It was much easier to write today's story from the comfort of my own home and not an uncomfortable hospital bed. Anyway, without further ado, here's today's story:

Shuffling History

          First a god of time removed the Civil Rights Movement, watching as the beatings of blacks started again in the streets again with greater frequency. Then he took the original World War II and replaced it with one that lasted another few years, bloodier and more tolling on every nation. This bizarre god, still bored, felt as if he needed to balance his sins a little and took away the great depression and replaced it with prosperous times and took away many decades of droughts throughout history. He materialized himself as a college student with a thin body and a hunched back. He went to a library and looked at history textbook reading about his handiwork. He enjoyed this alternate time line and he changed it back with a snap of his fingers. He wondered what he would do the next time he got bored.

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