
Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Star Wizard

Grandma came over to visit today and it was fun, as usual. My brother as came over, and is staying for the weekend as he does every two weekends and mother gave him a lego Batman and me a lego Mario(we played with legos as kids. She loved giving us them. Brother decided to put it on his desk at work. I agree with that, I'll put my Mario with my other nerdy artifacts in my room) I'm getting more used to this medication the doctor's got me on, so I'm getting happier. Now, onto today's story!

The Star Wizard

       The cameras focused on the wizard as he exited his limousine. His robe was the peak of fashion though it couldn't compare to his perfectly sculpted face. The paparazzi, reporters and fans flocked around the wizard taking pictures of him to capture the magic. His pet dragon, tiny, white and adorable scampered out behind him. It wings flapped and its tail wagged. The wizard cast a spell for lighting scattering into the air like balloons. The crowd cheered. The pet dragon flew around a few times and the wizard waved.
       He wondered when it would all stop. The cameras flashed and bound him as his body still moved. He lived a life in front of the cameras. The wizard waved at the crowd. The fans cast their own spell with their cheers that he compared with his own magic. Their magic was much more powerful.

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