
Friday, April 26, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #AMindfulSacrifice

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.”
Batman* #quote
     Went to my fun nerdy school club today. Was the last day in this semester though so aww....and had like five seizures hitting a table during one, but I'm fine and the club day was really fun. Looking forward to when it starts up again. Anyway onto the next flash fiction!

A Mindful Sacrifice

      Annabelle spent her life studying as many people did in the great magic city of Darun. She was raised as part of the Sacrificial Class, forced to take classes and spend her time learning everything she could about the world and life. It was a noble job. And the way the city protected itself. By offering sacrificing people's minds the city used magic to defend itself rather than magic. The age best for sacrifice determined for Annabelle was twenty four. She learned that on her birthday. A Sacrifice was never told their day so they don't panic and remain studious.
      They dressed her well on that day. Tailors made her a beautiful red dress to match her hair. They gave her jewelry filled with bright blue sapphires to go with her eyes. When her mind was gone they'd take it back since she would no longer need or want it. But on that day they wanted to make her feel special and end with dignity. Any ceremonies on the sacrifice day were for her and not needed for the magic.
The city constructed a massive building to perform the magic. They guided her to a room with a large magic circle and she stood in it. Her family stood in the room as a comfort. Beside them was the wizard that helped her study to be a sacrifice. He also would be the one performing the spell. Last standing at the far wall of the room was a few violin players. The music played wasn't necessary for the spell. Its intention was to drown out the wizard's words as he uttered the spell and distract Annabelle so she wouldn't panic. Something to make her passing more peaceful.
      And so the wizard uttered his words. Her mind vanished in quick stages. So fast she could barely notice it. But in a few instants the gods were given her memories from birth; from all that she had studied to everything about her family and life in exchange for magic to protect the city. Even her emotions were part of the deal. Every facet and part of her mind was taken.
       Her body fell to the floor with a loud thump. A man in a gray suit came in and picked her up. He was to dispose of the body. The jewelry would be given to other sacrifices for their ceremonies, maybe also the dresses. Because of the honor it had this moment was when the body disappeared and was effectively to the family when Annabelle was “buried”. But her special status wouldn't get her a simple burial and a tombstone. Instead the man in the suit would put her body in a weighted casket that would be dropped into the ocean so that her body would disappear into the depths of ocean like her mind would.
      An hour later it would be Jacob's turn then the next day Sakura's and Damon's. And it would never stop as long the city wanted a magic to protect to danger of war.

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