
Monday, April 8, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheMadScienceFormLetter

“Stop animal abuse!”
Tom and Jerry* #quote

     Today I traveled to the moon and took a bite out of the delicious cheese it is made out of. It is a good, hardy Swiss cheese.
    Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Mad Science Form Letter

       Dear __ Doctor Maniacal ___,

      We received and processed your proposal for a grant to develop a __ Mutant Creator Ray Gun__ The Association Of Mad Scientists regrets to inform you that we cannot provide you your grant. This decision was made by our research grant management and was done in full consideration of the greater evil and is in no way meant to reflect any bias towards you or any past or future projects you have or will develop. Good luck in all your future endeavors and may you keep your madness ___Doctor Maniacal___


___Doctor Bwahahaha___

Chief of The Association Of Mad Scientists

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