
Friday, April 19, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheLogicProblemInLabryrinthConstruction

“Honey I'm home!”
Winnie the Pooh* #quote

       Today I went the anime club, it was the celebratory game day. One of the games was Hangman. The English majors put up really complicated words, somethings like 15 letters long(one person used a complicated word for some random neck muscles). While when it hit my turn I put up the word hangman. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Logic Problem In Labyrinth Construction

      “Why have you fallen behind schedule?” King Minos asked a worker. He was ready to execute that worker as an example. He needed the labyrinth done to trap the monstrous minotaur. He still couldn't believe the Gods forced his wife to bear a monster as a child.
      “Sir, there's j-just o-one problem with constructing the labyrinth so complex. It's a sort of design flaw.”
      “There is no flaw in my design!” the architect Daedalus said. He was ordered to build the maze for the king and took great pride in it. He also lectured his son Icarus on the stupidity of trying to fly with fake wings. He hoped the kid wouldn't be dumb enough to use them.
      “Well, what is it!?” The king didn't want anything to go wrong.
The worker sweat more than he did toiling away in the maze. His answer may determine whether he lives.     “Well when the workers are building the giant maze they get lost inside of it. I mean if you give us something like thread to keep track of where we're going...”
      “No!” The king yammered, “That's just stupid and would never work. Any thoughts Daedalus?”
      “They could only build outwards then use a buddy system, yelling to each other on a periodic basis.”
      “Yes, of course, that sounds like the easiest way to do it. Now tell the other workers and get back to building the labyrinth!”

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